- binding-data-codec-dynamic requires javax.injectYANGTOOLS-1659Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1659Robert Varga
- Do not use CopyableNode.isAugmenting()YANGTOOLS-1657Robert Varga
- Improve BindingClassLoader instantiation APIYANGTOOLS-1653Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1653Robert Varga
- Missing ability to directly stream DataObjects to NormalizedNodeStreamWriterYANGTOOLS-1648Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1648Robert Varga
- Eliminate BindingReflectionsYANGTOOLS-1644
- Replace and deprecate DataContainerCodecContext.isSubstitutionFor()YANGTOOLS-1643Robert Varga
- Disconnect binding-codec-api from binding-runtime-apiYANGTOOLS-1638Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1638Robert Varga
- Provide a decentralized way of specifying YANG features available at runtimeYANGTOOLS-1636
- Add CodecEntryObjectYANGTOOLS-1629Robert Varga
- Improve keyed list mappingYANGTOOLS-1609Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1609Robert Varga
- Implement BindingCodecContext.getSubtreeCodec(Absolute)YANGTOOLS-1606
- Bridge RFC8040 yang-data to NormalizedYangDataYANGTOOLS-1605
- Eliminate the use of Java reflection from binding-data-codecYANGTOOLS-1604
- BindingDataObjectCodecTreeNode.streamChild() does not support ChoicesYANGTOOLS-1603
- BindingCodecContext does not deal with unresolved leafrefsYANGTOOLS-1602Ivan Hraško
- Improve LazyDataObject augmentation cache populationYANGTOOLS-1601
- Binding Model API: restrictions do not match java typeYANGTOOLS-1600
- Disconnect ValueTypeCodec from IllegalArgumentCodecYANGTOOLS-1599
- Consider further specializing AugmentableCodecDataObjectYANGTOOLS-1598
- Cache default-valued key leaf itemsYANGTOOLS-1597
- Provide utility service which will convert Java Generated DTO to JSONYANGTOOLS-1596
- NodeCodecContext implementation should improve sizing hints based on schema contextYANGTOOLS-1595
- StreamWriterGenerator emits overly-pessimistic sizing hintsYANGTOOLS-1594
- Do not use AddedByUsesAwareYANGTOOLS-1593
- Inline CodecDataObject's NodeContextSuppliersYANGTOOLS-1592
- Improve DataObjectStreamer/cache serializationYANGTOOLS-1591
- Add AOT version of mdsal-binding-codecYANGTOOLS-1589
- MD-SAL needs to be AOT-friendlyYANGTOOLS-1588
- Cross-reference runtime code with BindingVersionsYANGTOOLS-1580
- Enable runtime/compile-time components to assert versioning assumptionsYANGTOOLS-1579
- Fix instance-identifier mappingYANGTOOLS-1577Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1577Robert Varga
- Receive YANG binding code from MD-SALYANGTOOLS-1576Resolved issue: YANGTOOLS-1576Robert Varga
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