- BGP code update verification.NETVIRT-1666Manjunath Gowda
- exceptions seen during L3VPN disassociation and again association.NETVIRT-1664Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1664karthikeyan Krishnan
- BGP fib cache and alarm task fixesNETVIRT-1663Manjunath Gowda
- Optimizing BGP routesync operationNETVIRT-1661Manjunath Gowda
- BGP forward porting & Update source enhancementNETVIRT-1660Manjunath Gowda
- BGP containers null checks enhancementsNETVIRT-1659Manjunath Gowda
- Exceptions with update-source & Rel61 forward porting in BGPNETVIRT-1657Manjunath Gowda
- Scale BGP issues & fib shows nexthop as localNETVIRT-1649Manjunath Gowda
- BgpConfigurationManager Exceptions seen when network is removed from the VPNNETVIRT-1639sivakumar.perumalla
- Exceptions seen during deletion of BGP RDNETVIRT-1634sivakumar.perumalla
- Convert bgpmanager to datastore-constrained transactionsNETVIRT-1333Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1333sivakumar.perumalla
- ODL cannot establish connection to zrpcd for BGPNETVIRT-1308Srinivas Rachakonda
- BGP is not getting Established for karaf-0.9.0-20180605.043106-1033NETVIRT-1305Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1305sivakumar.perumalla
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