- Several failures occurred: AttributeError: Raw,SSHException:SSH session not activeNETVIRT-1688manjunath payala
- exceptions seen in bgpmanagerNETVIRT-1670Karthikeyan Krishnan
- exceptions seen during L3VPN disassociation and again association.NETVIRT-1664Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1664karthikeyan Krishnan
- Exceptions seen : org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.exceptions.NoShardLeaderException: Could not process ready local transaction member-1-datastore-operational-fe-4-txn-403-0.NETVIRT-1647Srinivas Rachakonda
- BgpConfigurationManager Exceptions seen when network is removed from the VPNNETVIRT-1639sivakumar.perumalla
- NPEs coming in CSIT jobsNETVIRT-1636Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1636Ashik Alias
- VM is not getting DHCP ip after deletion and recreationNETVIRT-1635Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1635Srinivas Rachakonda
- Exceptions seen during deletion of BGP RDNETVIRT-1634sivakumar.perumalla
- dlux isn't there but docs are still ask users to install dluxNETVIRT-1603Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1603Yi Yang
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